
Education Stories this week

20 Jun 2017

To end this term, a few short current news stories on education.

Why up to half of all Australian teachers are quitting within five years

It may surprise you to know that up to half of the teachers who graduate are leaving teaching within the first five years. Despite support systems in place for graduate teachers – including mentoring in most schools – new teachers find the demands of the profession overwhelming. Teaching practicums at University rarely prepare a student for the daily demands of a classroom. The number of interactions each day with students and other staff members can be exhausting. We need to do more to encourage young people to go into teaching and once there to stay. While the article points to the Finnish example that requires less hours of face to face instruction and the need to focus on teacher wellbeing, a wider understanding of the role of teachers and the value society places on the profession is also needed.

Year 5 NAPLAN scores may shape career goals

NAPLAN results are affecting the way students as young as Year 5 think about themselves and their future path. This study shows that higher NAPLAN scores lead students to being interested in subjects that lead to careers in areas like science, law and medicine. The view the child has about their achievement either positive or negative, impacts on their perceptions and determines their path.

School Funding

Watching this week as school funding becomes the political football once again. In regards to Federal Funding, the position of the Association of Independent Schools remains – Gonski 2.0 is a sensible and positive approach to a difficult question as it removes many of the past deals and gives clarity of funding to all sectors. The funding debate is further complicated by who wins under State infrastructure funding as you can see from the article in the Newcastle Herald.

HSC Study Guide 2017

For those of you who want an insight into the world of the Year 12 student, have a look at the 2017 SMH Study Guide for HSC students.